High Court & Court of Appeal Staff 2022

There are 29 in total the number of staff working in the High Court & Court
of Appeal Division. There are 18 permanent staff, 2 contract staff and 9
Land Appeal Panelists. The names are as follows together with their title at
1. William Hastings (Chief Justice)
2. David Lambourne (Puisne Judge)
3. Abuera Uruaaba (Chief Registrar/Commissioner)
4. Teetua Tewera (Deputy Chief Justice/Head of Division)

High Court & Court of Appeal Support Unit;
1. Tarawa Taubo (Senior Registrar)
2. Gertrude Reiher (Chief Justice Executive Secretary)
3. Teereta Teoteai (Puisne Judge Executive Secretary)
4. Dimitry Murdoc (Commissioner Exective Secretary – Contract)
5. Bunaua Abaua (Chief Justice Police Officer)
6. Tiito Mwea (Law Report Officer – Contract)

7. Members of the Land Panel (refer to Land Appeal Panel section)

Case Management Unit;

1. Teanau Tebwanei (Senior Case Manager)
2. Henerich Brechtefeld (High Court Case Manager)
3. Otimerin Atanrika (Clerk to Chief Justice)
4. Teburenga Ietera (Clerk to Puisne Judge)
5. Mildred Ueanteang Nakangeri (Clerk to Commissioner)
6. Ruuta Boutu (Registry Clerk)
7. Kaata Kaitintaake (Registry Clerk)

Interpretation Unit;

1. Mikaere Neneia (most Senior Interpreter)

2. Irata Tebau (Interpreter)
3. Tiana Tabuae (Interpreter)

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